How to unlock your inner creativity

 In a word filled with competition and challenges on every stage, personal development is something that we tend to leave unexplored.

We are constantly running after our supposed “goals”, in the hope of strengthening our career. But do we all realize that we are lacking something on our own personal level?

Let’s assume that we have found our goal. For example, a person A is ecstatic after scoring excellent marks in their final exams. When asked about their goals, their answer would generally be aiming to be a doctor, an engineer, or securing admissions in IIT and so on. However; a few years later, the same person is found in a depressed state, struggling to barely survive the tough race of the career world.

Although we cannot generalize every person on the same level but there has been several cases where once a person who was bright, intelligent and full of spirit changed drastically, giving up every hope in life.

This is the missing puzzle piece which is evident among every individual. I am a person who has struggled on that same path.

There was an inherent pressure to perform well in my studies. We all tend to follow this universal formula: good marks= good college=great career=fantastic life.

Let’s just assume that 90% of people following this formula have managed to secure a great position in life but what about the rest of the population?

In an attempt to perfect ourselves, we have somehow lost our originality. Of course, most of us would be quite contented with whatever we have achieved that we do not attempt to venture out in the direction of the unexplored path.

But the biggest mystery or perhaps the question which lingers or should linger on our mind is, are we ever focusing on our inner personal growth?

Here personal development is mostly centered on our passions and hobbies and the ability to discover our inner skill and translate them into action.

Yes, we do have our own personal hobbies that we secretly explore them in our own comfort zone without realizing that, this very secret hobby could be our ultimate source of happiness. Most of us would be randomly and unconsciously sketching artwork or arranging flower vases and decorating walls.

However; our mind would be filled with dominant thoughts of a “successful career” – the same thought which is acceptable by the society. It is a path we believe would bring us stability. To maintain the status quo, it is imperative to follow where the crowd goes, at the cost of sacrificing our personal desires and ambitions.

As an average person myself, the struggle to secure good scores was like a dream for me. It was embedded in my belief system, that I had to climb up in the high scoring competition, or else my future is of no purpose.

Well, did I make it through the cut? Yes, somehow I managed to “fit” myself amongst my society. I did relatively well for a person who is of mediocre intelligence. Throughout, the whole process, I got carried away by this newfound happiness, where people around me complimented on my scores.

It was indeed a blissful experience that I never felt before. The future is secured or so I thought.

A lot of us must have gone through that similar phase and would understand that moment of realization, when this whole mindset of a “secured future” is extremely idealistic.

It is not a negative opinion to be idealistic in the hope of perfecting your life. However; one needs to understand that, in a realistic world, we cannot determine our future based on some grades, or what degrees we possess or what school we go to.

This idealistic opinion that I used to hold before didn’t help me gradually in the long run. I was totally at loss in trying to figure out what to do in my life.

After months of figuring out and trying to be optimistic, I gradually started exploring my own personal interests. It was my passion for creative writing that got me interested in the world of content writing and blogging.

Also, as an avid lover of music and singing as a whole, I try to creatively utilize my time in discovering the singer in me. Although, that part is still on the process and needs few more months and years to gain confidence, but writing is giving me a whole new level of confidence.

We all have our creativeness inbuilt somewhere within our mind. It’s just that we need the push to unlock it and let it out. People, in this day and age, where the world is getting competitive and this recent corona outbreak; we can all utilize something out of random. It doesn’t have to be really grand or anything, but something that is unique only to you and your identity.

Hope I am able to share some of my thoughts in bringing out the creativity in me. I am no genius, just a random person trying to embody a different side from this standard routine life.


  1. Marvellous thoughts expressed beautifully. Keep it up!

  2. Piece of writing that reminds us on how to enlighten the inherited normalcy.. Words that are sterile from heart, piece of reminder that stears wisdom to reapproach life....


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